Month: March 2016

The two-sided coin called Progress

If you're a city boy like me, freeways are pretty normal -- they're kind of just there, people use them every day, and you don't often think of them as [...]

Adding tags

If you see some recent edit times on old posts, it's because I'm adding tags to a bunch of posts and doing other miscellaneous cleanup and organization. Look [...]

Almost playoff time…

I've been reading some of my ancient posts because I noticed that a recent Wordpress update (don't know if it was this last one or a previous one) had resulted [...]

Modern Art Tools… and a little modern art

I purchased a Wacom Intuos Draw tablet the other day. I came across it while looking up some drawing and painting software (I settled on ArtRage Lite after a [...]

Where have all the moderates gone?

It's 2016 and we're in the midst of a very chippy presidential campaign season, especially on the Republican side. Much has been written in other places about [...]

Flurry of maintenance

Yeah, yeah. I never update this thing. It's been another three years (!) since I've been active. But now, there's hope! Changes and updates will be [...]