Wow. Three and a half years…

I go a really long time between posts here, don't I? Well, I may have some new content soon. I've been toying with coming up with some stuff for posting on YouTube, mainly musical instrument-related stuff. I have a couple of major guitar repairs on tap to do, and I'll be filming those. I've also decided to take the plunge and get into some guitar and [...]

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I choose you!

So, the world is becoming overwhelmed by the new Pokémon Go game. I downloaded it to see what the big deal is, and also to see if there was anything that inspired me in its [...]


The title I used for this post is a tribute from a buddy of mine from Howard who frequently posts items on Facebook regarding the systems of control and structural racism that [...]

The longest of longshots

Every now and then -- particularly in sports -- we see things that haven't been seen in a long, long time. For example, I'm sure there were people in Chicago that were alive [...]

Wow. Prince?!?!

Wow. So Prince died today. My coworkers came into my office and said, "You hear that Prince died? The news reports are kind of hazy." Totally wasn't expecting to hear this [...]

Uncharted Territory

I think a lot of us fans had a feeling that this year's Washington Capitals team was a different group from previous years. We got the beginnings of a confirmation of this [...]

The two-sided coin called Progress

If you're a city boy like me, freeways are pretty normal -- they're kind of just there, people use them every day, and you don't often think of them as anything more than just [...]