Wow. Three and a half years…

I go a really long time between posts here, don't I? Well, I may have some new content soon. I've been toying with coming up with some stuff for posting on YouTube, mainly musical instrument-related stuff. I have a couple of major guitar repairs on tap to do, and I'll be filming those. I've also decided to take the plunge and get into some guitar and [...]

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Web Gallery Stuff

I'll be playing around with the photo gallery over the next few days. It's been a minor pain to find the perfect solution to the photo gallery/WP2.1 integration issue, so as [...]

When will I ever find the time?

So, I bought The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion a couple weeks ago (don't say "Why are you so late to the party?") and while I have started the game, I haven't had a ton of time [...]

How much worse can this get?

Long post alert, folks. :-P Finished watching the Caps blow a lead a night after killing the buzz of a four-minute power play by taking three consecutive penalties and [...]

My first impressions of Vista

So, I bought a laptop Saturday, and while I wasn't particularly jonesin' for it, I got my first taste of Microsoft Windows Vista in its "Home Premium" flavor. (What exactly [...]

Now back to a sense of normality…

Never did like the word "normalcy"... Anyhow, the gallery's back up. [...]

Let’s try this again…

This site was working okay for a bit, then you look up and your database ain't available! Something happened with the access account, it seems, and it blew up to a degree. [...]