Month: June 2007

Last day at CFUnited…

Well, CFUnited is over for yet another year. This is something like my fifth or sixth year of attending this ColdFusion conference. (The years are starting [...]

I love these days out of the office…

At a ColdFusion conference today (and for the rest of the week). Looks like ColdFusion 8 has some really interesting new stuff in it, stuff to make code [...]

I’m staffing a meeting today…

... which likely means more inane posts than usual. Greetings from "Hotel XYZ" in Washington, DC (names of locations removed to protect the innocent), where [...]

I definitely need to update this thing more…

... and I also could use a vacation, but that's another topic for another day. Got a chance to read the latest in Star Wars' Legacy of the Force series, [...]